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MessaggioInviato: Lun Mar 08, 2021 6:03 am  Rispondi citando

Do Americans USA forget every so often that our country was founded on

Mactaversposted 6 issue

Americans would do well to remember that Native peoples were in America first and what has happened to them in American history is a crime. notwithstanding, I do think that all countries have qualifications for immigrants and visitors. The two countries around the world (beyond the USA) That I have visited usually are Canada and Mexico, And both Canada and Mexico have very definite laws regarding immigration, Who can own land and what rights citizens of other lands have if [url=]how to tell if a chinese girl likes you[/url] they break foreign laws, And how long visitors are permitted to stay and an official language or in Canada 2 languages. Perhaps I am very ignorant about crucial laws, But I can't think of any countries where immigrants can walk across the borders and obtain work or go to school minus the proper documents and sometimes Americans aren't treated well if they don't speak the proper language of the country they visit either. If there are countries with no immigration laws I hope someone writes a Hub and has good information so that those seeking political refuge would have a safe country to immigrate to where ever they came from or what language they speak.

I don't believe so... get real, There will always be a few 'whatever' to anything, you will find several White European decent Americans, i'm certain, Who think of America bear in mind and only their land, But that is not the common or widespread disposition of Americans anymore I think what that idea actually is, Is the left's selection for what the right is like. i think it serves the liberals well to (I'm recommending many here, I am generalizing and definitely not asserting that all liberals...) Imagine and cast conservatives as narrow minded racists who dismiss the more local people (indigenous peoples) And disparage the later immigrants (Ethnic unprivileged), It makes them feel good about themselves, Just as casting conservatives as ignorant and fearful buffoons who 'cling inside their guns and religion' makes (the few) Liberals feel better about themselves.

If every conservative around is a little John Wayne, That cartoonish persona now is easier for liberals to mock and disregard than say, JFK (Who's white house was far more conservative than today's liberals would like to admit)... The trouble with that is, If you actually watch those old John Wayne movies, He was often fully behind the cause of the Indians and giving voice to their grievance. Long before today's liberals began patting on their own the back for 'getting' the wrong American has done, Their 'conservatives are simple minded brutes' poster boy was educating and admonishing us on the mistreatment the indigenous peoples received from the White man.

book now, now, Everyone easily realizes that we cheated the Native Americans, Brutalized cameras slaves, And abused minorities... I think that virtually only ever comes up anymore as some try to promote themselves as smarter bolder more caring by asserting others just don't 'get' how evil all that historic activity was it's become a tool to cast yourself (I don't mean you think the length, But whichever company) As morally more advanced than those on the political right. It's become a battle cry of 'we're the good guys because we know how wrong we have been and you don't' except, every one does know, almost everyone 'gets' it.

LandmarkWealthposted 6 these days

I don't even think Americans have forgotten that at all. in spite of this, the visible difference is when there was a mass migration of imigrants from places like Italy, ireland in europe, Poland and various other places across the world at the turn of the 20th century, They did a better job of assimiliating. When my grandaddy immigrated from Sicily, He refused to allow Italian to be spoken around the dinner table. He felt that he was so happy to be in America that it was vital to adapt to American culture. He thought of that if he didn't adapt it would limit his upward economic mobility. While he lived in an Italian hometown, He always considered himself as a famous first. Today we allow people to get to this country and not assimiliate. In fact we encourage it by supplying them services in different languages. why would you adapt when you're not forced to. Now we have local communities in NYC were people are born in the USA and still don't speak english. Or it is their second text. It is bad for just anyone. Immigrants have less economic mobility and it creates hostility among races when people come to a foreign land and not adapt to the culture.

myself,more briefer,to me, I'm consciously and fully aware that both my maternal and paternal grandparents immigrated from their respective european union.

Shellie Wyndhamposted 6 rice

As a person of Native American ancestry, I would need to say that too often the answer to your question is yes. yes, As a group, I might have a different view due to my own happenings. it's difficult to express my feelings at being treated like an outsider in my own country sometimes, By people whose ancestors came long after mine did.

I once had a minister come to my house to bring me into his "travel, We spoke at great length about works and the condition of our eternal souls; Then he taught me how the missionaries did my people such a great service by enlightening so many, And how taking our children to live in boarding schools so that they could learn to be good Christians was a service provided out of the kindness of their religion and they "preserved" So many souls from damnation in this wayI politely invited him to leave rather than return. That happened over twenty years back and still, It makes me angry to consider it.

not many are like this; Some people are genuinely fascinated with allowing and even celebrating cultural diversity. Others tell me that I should be return to the reservation. funny, I was born far from the reservation, regarding Charleston, south carolina. Not all native americans were contained on reservations; Many ran away to exist in the wilder areas like the swamps and the high mountains. Not all of them are practicing native americans and their culture reflects Americanized standards more so than any other. I have no issue with that as long as they are being themselves and not what the majority thinks that they must be.

19Politics and Social issues

Conservatives Moderates, Do you strongly contend that Liberals inside wantby Grace Marguerite Williams 2 years ago

Conservatives Moderates, Do you strongly contend that Liberals inside the want America to bea BIG, survival state? Why do Liberals contend that people should pay TAXES to support useless services programs instead of logically maturely realize people should.

20Politics and Social obstacles

What do you consider of (legal) Immigrants to one's country?By aka dj 8 common

What do you think of (legal) Immigrants meant for country?Do you encouraged them (quite simply mind)? Or do you wish they went back to where they came from. I'm not referfing to illegals, or simply refugees.

11Politics and Social dilemmas

Why does most immigrants hate America yet they don't want to go back to their owby topgunjager 5 years ago

Why does most immigrants hate America yet they don't want revisit their own country?All I hear from immigrants today is America is crap this, America is crap that there exists nothing that good comes out of America. Then why do they still live here they were better things where they came from?

84United States national healthcare

Black conservatives consistent basis attacked by liberalsby Readmikenow 10 months ago

I've been a traditionalistic since I graduated college. I've thought many conservatives. My black traditionalistic friends seem to really get a lot of grief for their beliefs. I've seen my one friend be banned from family events at a sibling's home because he supported President Donald.
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